Thursday, August 29, 2013

1 week to go

left 1 week to go i will be back my university second year life very soon seriously.. i don't used to it when i am at klang although i have been staying here since i borned after i stay Sabah i prefer the life over there peaceful slow motion no stress at all i admit that my life is full of stress when i am getting bigger now is much much things to let me think of it klang life i couldn't sleep well during night i scare many things of it although KU is safer compare with others area but i know it is no safe at all compare with sabah insomnia with all the time i wouldn't know what is the reason that i insomnia i was trying to make myself busy and tired hope that i can sleep well during night but i found that i fail to make it i enjoyed my life during this long sem break is very first time that i do promoter in my life by this moment i did many kind of jobs during this two months and i have learn quite number of things when i was working during promoter is nothing much but the most that i can feel and i know this early in my life too the world is full of cruel and reality.. i am sure that you guys will feel it if u done the job... my life just a word to describe stress i think that everybody are getting stressful when they are bigger i know that i miss many things my family members my gang in klang my friends in UMS my ex-roommmate my housemate and many more.. keep in touch with my klang gang i am not around. i hope that we still can getting close like now in future.. all the best :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

half more month

many things happen during my sem break. everything is past tense for me. anywhere my second year uni life will start soon i have to study hard for second year. cause no more chance to me again. haha if you are my friends, you will know what am i saying then another topic what will happen to me for my second year? i don't know i have long time didn't update my blog. i enjoyed my uni life so much. went to sandakan with my beloved housemate and friends. thanks a lot to sandakan-ian who bring me go visit all the places and have fun over there sabah is a peaceful place for me and there is peace compare with semenanjung will i stay at there and don't back to klang? haha i don't know but mostly i won't do that i love sabah life so much i enjoyed the moment with friends my lovely ex-roommate my current roommate and housemate too i guess my housemate and roommate hate me so much haha due to always disturb them when they were doing revision during exam time sometimes i feel so stress because i look them study hard while i played the fool during exam moment

Saturday, April 6, 2013


我累了,我真的累了 希望这一切都可以过去

Saturday, February 9, 2013


新年气氛一年不如一年 到底怎么了 真的不知道 是环境所改变 还是人们都改变了? 压力 最近 慢慢地面对 承受的压力 不是那么简单 面对的 也不是想像的那么单纯 我何时才能渡过这一切 说不出我所面对的 也解决不了我面对的 只希望这一切 会安然的度过 我要的只是那么简单 我却得不到 我要的真的那么难吗? 我要求的真的那么高吗? 我却不认为 常在想 这一切都会快点的度过 可是 我错了 大错特错 这一切 也许没度过 反而变本加厉 算了 我要求的是不会发生 也许 也是不可能发生 很多事情 不是我想的那么简单 那么单纯 那么容易 这世界 是复杂 是可恶 是无助 是残忍 也有可能是会让你感到无奈的世界 一个字 无奈